RU Smarter than a 5th Grader???

Chad Missildine (@chadmissildine on Twitter) posted the following thought this morning:
“The smart do not talk about how smart they are.”

This is so true.. I mean, I never talk about my supreme and superior knowledge… Why not? Because somewhere out there is a 5th grader smarter than me…but at least I can drive… So nanny nanny boo boo on you Mr Smarty Pants 5th Grader

Bragging like its rhyming word “nagging” only serves one purpose… To annoy the general population.  No one really likes a braggart….and secretly curses them under their breath and prays for the utterly failure…HOPEFULLY VERY PUBLIC failure…especially the person who embarassed them during 8th grade Gym class (but those are some feelings I need to work with Jesus to make me a better person)

A scriptural verse I heard as a child sums it all up, “To be learned and wise is good only if hearken unto the counsels of God.”

But I suggest this goes much deeper… It would include wealth, talents, and……well, every aspect of life. The key is to remember we are given EVERYTHING by the Almighty… And it is our incumbent duty to wisely use those gifts to better serve ourselves, our families, and others by lifting them up to the Heavens!

So…the next time I try to be a puffed up big fish, I need to be aware that out there is the Devil with his spear ready to burst my bubble of pride and drag me down to H-E-double hockey sticks.

And that doesn’t seem like much fun at all!!!


2 Responses to “RU Smarter than a 5th Grader???”
  1. Bridget Fowler says:

    Well, funny that this should come up on your blog. I know someone personally who is ALL the TIME talking about how smart they are. This person knows everything about everything, and I mean everyting. IT is AMAZing that this person is not is some position of power. I mean EVERYTHING that is brought up to this person, they have an answer for it, or the answer that should have been given.


  2. Kym Muse says:

    Truth is, “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader” is nothing less than brilliant to me; that show alone has taken my mind in many different directions. I love it, if I want to feel stupid I watch it (or talk to Aaron, hehehe) because I am, 4sho, NOT smarter than a 5th grader! However, it has given me a sweet foundation to make up a game called “Are You Smarter Than A Primary Kid” that I did for Girls Camp and also “Are You Smarter Than A Pioneer” we are going to use for our Pioneer Day celebration; lots of fun!! Let’s not stop there, how about “Are You Smarter than A Boy Scout” or “Are You Smarter Than Your Parents”. How about “Are You Smarter Than the Instructions On How to Put This Inversion Table Together In One Day” or “Are You Smarter than the Remote”…the list goes on and on. To all the above, I can say, “I have raised children that love the Lord and I manage my own business, but I, Kym Muse, am NOT smarter than a….’ Brilliant!


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